The Golden Glove (2019)
the golden glove

Genre: Drama/Horror

Runtime: 1hr 55min

Language: German

IMDb: 6.7/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 54%

Metacritic: 38%

Wikipedia: Link

Director: Fatih Akin


Jonas Dassler, Heinz Strunk, Margarete Tiesel, Marc Hosemann, Katja Studt, Jessica Kosmalla, Tristan Göbel, Hark Bohm, Martina Eitner-Acheampong, Adam Bousdoukos, Victoria Trauttmansdorff, Uwe Rohde, Barbara Krabbe, Greta Sophie Schmidt, Philipp Baltus, Tilla Kratochwil


The Golden Glove is a German horror-drama film directed by Fatih Akin. The story is based on real events and revolves around Fritz Honka, a notorious German serial killer in the 1970s. Honka, portrayed by Jonas Dassler, is a loner who frequents a Hamburg bar called “The Golden Glove.”

The plot delves into the dark and gruesome crimes committed by Honka, who preys on vulnerable women, bringing them to his squalid apartment. The film explores the deteriorating social conditions of post-war Germany and the unsettling underbelly of society.

As Honka’s disturbing actions unfold, the film depicts the grim realities of his crimes and the impact on the victims. The Golden Glove is a gritty and unsettling portrayal of a true crime story, capturing the horror of Honka’s actions and the societal issues that contributed to his heinous acts.